Today, Tom’s Hardware is going live on YouTube for another episode of The Pi Cast! On today’s livestream you can checkout a CheerLights project just in time for Halloween.
The YouTube livestream is scheduled for October 25, 2022 at 2pm EST. Fresh from Maker Faire Rome, this week we are joined by self-taught maker and tinkerer Jorvon Moss. Moss has created a plethora of projects, including a number of wearable robotic companions. Check out the livestream to learn more about Moss’ projects and workflows.
Also, you will get to see a Tom’s Hardware Halloween CheerLights display. I hope we get to control it while the livestream is going on!
Les gave a demo of the Tom’s Hardware sign with a pumpkin “o” that supports CheerLights! The demo was live so we had fun changing the color on the livestream.