CheerLights is an “Internet of Things” project created by Hans Scharler in 2011 that allows people’s lights all across the world to synchronize to one color. This is a way to connect physical things with community experiences.
For more about the history of CheerLights, read the article: The CheerLights Origin Story: Arduino, IoT, Twitter, and Community
Join the CheerLights project by building a device that follows the CheerLights API.
Featured Press
Best IoT DIY Project Nominee of 2015/16
2016/01/26 – Trevor Harwood / Postscapes
Nominated as the Best IoT DIY Project of 2015/16
Best IoT DIY Project Nominee of 2013
2014/01/30 – Trevor Harwood / Postscapes
Nominated as the Best IoT DIY Project of 2013
CheerLights: Synchronizing Christmas lights around the globe
2011/12/17 – Mike Nathan / Hack A Day
They say that the holidays are a time to gather with others, which usually translates into spending time with friends and family. The folks at ioBridge Labs thought that while friends and family certainly are a big part of the holidays, it would be pretty cool to gather together flocks of strangers by using the Internet to synchronize their Christmas lights.
CheerLights: The Christmas lights that are synchronised through Twitter
2011/12/07 – Olivia Solon / Wired UK
“We live in a time and age that we are close because of technology than we have ever been. But, we use it for odd things. I wanted to feel the connections to others. In my mind’s eye, I see lights going on an off and seeing others notice it. Even if it is fleeting, we were connected in that moment. Cheesy, no?”
Build a Christmas Light Controller and Join a Global Network of Synchronized Lights
2011/12/05 – Alan Henry / Lifehacker
Once connected, anytime people tweet to the @Cheerlights twitter account or using the hashtag #cheerlights, all of the networked light displays all over the world will change at once. Hit the link below for the step-by-step, and give it a try before it’s too late in the holiday season.
Creating a Global Network of Christmas Lights
2011/12/03 – Matt Richardson / MAKE
The folks at ioBridge Labs posted a how-to on making your own node in a global network of synced Christmas lights. The network is called CheerLights and they’re controlled by tweeting to the account @CheerLights along with the name of a color. Their tutorial shows you how to build your own set of CheerLights by hacking GE Color Effects Christmas Lights and using an Arduino to connect them to their ThingSpeak channel. There’s even a tutorial on using a ConnectPort X2 to make the project wireless. I feel like I’m wielding incredible power right now!