When someone changes the CheerLights color via Twitter, we store the color name in a ThingSpeak channel. ThingSpeak stores the color name with a timestamp and keeps adding to the list as the project grows and grows. I get asked questions like, what is the most popular color? Is the most popular color oldlace? There are many ways to do the analysis, but ThingSpeak has free access to MATLAB built-in. Using a little bit of code, I am able to pull the last 30 days of colors and calculate their popularity.
To control CheerLights, send a tweet to @cheerlights or include “cheerlights” somewhere in your message with the name of a color.
@CheerLights Paint the town red
This will cause a chain reaction and all of the CheerLights displays and apps will change their color to red.
- red (#FF0000)
- green (#008000)
- blue (#0000FF)
- cyan (#00FFFF)
- white (#FFFFFF)
- oldlace / warmwhite (#FDF5E6)
- purple (#800080)
- magenta (#FF00FF)
- yellow (#FFFF00)
- orange (#FFA500)
- pink (#FFC0CB)
You can check previous tweets using Twitter Search.